Dear Member,
Following April’s recent committee meeting I wish to send members an update from the committee
in relation to forthcoming events, Inter club match play competitions, internal match play
competitions, Facility improvements etc. Our job is to work on behalf of the members and to make
your Butter Mountain Golf Club experience a very positive one.
Some Notices for upcoming events include.
which is always great fun and we would like new members to play with more experienced
members so we can introduce ourselves to each other. Please don’t be shy and it is a great
way to find out more about the club and meet fellow members.
play for €15 and showcase the course
the team the very best of luck.
forward for selection for the other 3 teams listed below. The team managers will also Send a
Whatsapp message when they have posted the sheet up in BMGC.
please see our blog on which has all the criteria
required if you qualify to play on a team.
o Fred Perry for the over 55’s Managed by Gerry Brady
o Barton Cup Managed by Hugh Behan
o Pierce Purcell managed by Jimmy Graham
will be in touch with regards to how you can enter by the end of April. Brian Cruise and
Bernard O’ Callaghan will be coordinating the above
and there is ongoing dialogue with the Committee.
We remind you to book well in advance to secure your booking on Sundays and we are really
committed to getting increased activity on Sunday’s.
the top prize on the captains and presidents day if they have not submitted 20 Qualifying cards and
thus have a fully Qualified Golf Ireland Handicap. The good news is however, that you will qualify to win one of the up to 20 other prizes on each day.
If you have an issue or recommendation we respectfully ask that you send a mail to and it will be addressed at or prior to the next committee
meeting and responded to. We welcome feedback through this medium.
The Whatsapp forum was never designed to tackle any issues with sensitivities attached so please use it for messaging, receiving club info and securing playing partners as required.
We are all looking forward to the new season which promises to be a great one with the advent of
so many new members. Looking forward to the captains drive in and scrambling around the course
where we hope to meet new members and make you feel welcome.
Yours Sincerely
David O’ Driscoll