Currently as per Rule 7.1b of the Rules
of Handicapping, if a player fails to submit a score (Unsatisfied Score
Intent) from an authorised format of play in a timely manner, the
Handicap Committee should investigate the reason and take appropriate
To date there are currently thousands of
unsatisfied score intents sitting on players’ records and the National
Handicapping Committee has decided, in order to assist clubs, to purge
all Unsatisfied Score Intents up to and including 31st December 2021 from players’ records. From 31st March
2022 an automated process will be put in place to apply
an automatic penalty score if a score is pre-registered but not
With this new process Players will get a
series of emails to remind them to submit the score, or if registered
in error, edit/remove the score intent prior to the application of
the penalty score. Club Handicap secretaries can override
the Automatic Penalty Score if they think it is warranted. Going
forward please always remember to return your score as soon as possible
and this will eliminate the need for the automatic penalty score process
to be activated.